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Shavendra Silva to oversee Sri Lanka’s ‘eradication of terrorism’ celebrations 

The Sri Lankan military announced that Shavendra Silva, an army commander who has been the subject of international calls to face trial for war crimes, will be one of several senior military figures to participate in celebrations to mark “a decade upon eradication of the brutal terrorism”.

The events, dubbed by the military as “National War Heroes’ Day”, are set to start tomorrow. A military press release said troops from the “victorious and dignified Army” will take part in events across the island.

It comes as Tamils in the North-East and around the world mark the period when tens of thousands were killed as Tamil Genocide Day. A series of emotional commemorative events are being held, mourning those killed by the Sri Lankan military.

Meanwhile, the army said that in line with the events, a stamp is to be released to with the army’s “victory monument” to mark the occasion. Sri Lanka’s president also announced the promotion of 38 senior military officers.

See more from the military here.

See the events currently taking place across the North-East here.

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