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Senior IMF official to brief Sri Lanka’s President

A senior International Monetary Fund (IMF) official is set to visit Sri Lanka on Monday and Tuesday to brief President Gotabaya Rajapaksa as the country continues to struggle with its economic crisis and refuses to request a bailout from the IMF.

“While the IMF has not received a request for financial support from Sri Lanka, the staff stands ready to discuss options if requested", told Sri Lanka mission chief Masahiro Nozaki.

This comes in advance of formal discussions set to take place next month on how to support the country. Sri Lanka’s foreign currency reserves have plummeted to $2.31 billion, and the island is struggling to pay for critical imports including fuel, food, and medicines.

The IMF has called on the government to implement a "credible and coherent" strategy to repay debt and restore macroeconomic stability.

Read more here.


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