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Saif trial set to be held for September in Libya

The trial of Colonel Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, is set to take place in the Libyan city of Zintan next month announced Libyan prosecutors, despite efforts by the International Criminal Court to have him tried at The Hague.

Prosecutor general spokesman Taha Nasser Baara stated that,

"A committee from the prosecutor general's office has completed its investigation into the crimes committed by Seif al-Islam from the start of the revolution on February 15 (2011) and has prepared the charge sheet,"

Baara dismissed requests by the ICC to have Saif tried abroad, stating that "during investigations, there was no intervention by the ICC."

He went on to say that the prosecution had "solid proof in the form of sound recordings, images, documents and testimony", commenting,

"We believe that this evidence is sufficient to condemn and judge him."

Saif al-Islam’s defence has called for a trial in The Hague, claiming that he would not receive a fair trial in Libya.

See our earlier post: Saif Gaddafi demands Hague trial (02 August 2012)

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