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Rwandan High Court rejects genocide suspect’s demands

The Special Chamber of the High Court of Rwanda has rejected the demands of a deported genocide suspect from Canada, asking to court to nullify his case.

Leon Mugesera, who was removed from Canada earlier this year after losing a deportation battle that lasted nearly 20 years, questioned the mandate of the court, claiming they had no jurisdiction to try his alleged crimes, which occurred in 1992.

The Special Chamber of the High Court though, which tries cases transferred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, however dismissed his demands, with Judge Athanase Bakuzakundi stating,

"When Mugesera was being transferred to Rwanda, the Canadian authorities knew very well that he was accused of crimes committed in 1992 and he would be tried in the special chamber, it is on this note that the court rejects his demands".

See our earlier posts:

Deported genocide suspect sets new precedent for Rwanda (31 January 2012)
Rwandan deportee charged with plotting genocide (02 February 2012)


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