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Ruki Fernando and Father Praveen released

Two of the three activists detained in Kilinochchi, Ruki Fernando and Father Praveen were reportedly released late last night.

Whilst government reports have alleged the two were released on bail, the prominent Sri Lankan human rights activist, Ruki Fernando accused the government of spreading false information in order to prevent them from traveling abroad.

Speaking to the Uthayan on his release, Mr. Fernando said,

"Although we were released unconditionally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims we are released on bail. This is false information. The Foreign Affairs Ministry released such info to prevent us from traveling abroad and telling the truth. Although we are released, a veiled threat continues against us."

The two activists were detained by TID officials under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, after they attempted to voice concern over the detention of another prominent activist for families of the disappeared Balendran Jeyakumari and her daughter Vipoosika.

The Ministry of External Affairs, outlined that the two activists had been detained due to “their presence in a crime scene where investigations had been on-going, into attempts to revive the LTTE in Sri Lanka.”

Balendran Jeyakumari remains in the Boosa detention centre.

Reports suggest Ruki Fernando and Father Praveen to be released
 (18 March 2014)

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