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Resolution is not an end in itself says UK

Whilst welcoming the Sri Lankan government's commitments to deliver justice, the UK, in its address to the UN Human Rights Council debate on the OHCHR Investigation into Sri Lanka report (OISL) stressed that the resolution being discussed was not an end in itself.

"We warmly welcome the constructive approach that the government of Sri Lanka has taken during this session to agreeing a consensual resolution. However, the UK recognises that this resolution is not an end in itself, but the start of a process that will require commitment from all parties if it is to deliver meaningful reconciliation and long-term peace and stability in Sri Lanka."

Welcoming the OISL report's conclusions and recommendations, the UK said "without facts, there can be no justice, no end to impunity and no reconciliation.

"The report sets out a range of extremely grave human rights violations and abuses, committed by all sides in the conflict. While this account will be difficult for many in Sri Lanka, it was essential for the Council to have seen it and for the people of Sri Lanka. Without facts, there can be no justice, no end to impunity and no reconciliation. We therefore welcome the report's conclusions and recommendations. They provide an important basis for Sri Lanka and all those affected by the conflict and its aftermath to look to the future."

The UK reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Sri Lanka towards meaningful justice, reparation and long-term peace and stability in Sri Lanka whilst urging the wider international community to join efforts in doing so.

See full statement here.

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