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Remove military from Tamil regions – Selvam Adaikalanathan

TNA MP Selvam Adaikalanathan has called for a removal of the Sri Lankan military from the Tamil region of the island, saying that a “frightening situation” had developed, reported the Uthayan.

Adaikalanathan said that arrests were widespread and that there was an increase in the number of security forces on the streets, with sudden round-ups common.

He questioned how Tamils can confidently get involved in talks about a political solution when such a “burden” was on the daily life of Tamil people, adding that an environment to foster mutual trust needs to be established and signals of goodwill need to be sent before any discussion on power sharing.

The MP demanded a halt on all land grabs and for all private land, already seized by the state, to be returned to its owners. An environment where Tamils can act freely, without any limitations or restrictions, must be established, he said.

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