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Ranil warns of 'difficult decisions' to avoid economic breakdown

The Sri Lankan prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Monday warned that "difficult decisions" would have to be taken in order to prevent the "complete breakdown of the economy", the Colombo Page reported citing a post on Mr Wickremesinghe's Facebook page in Sinhalese.

Commenting on a meeting with MPs, ministers and electoral organisers, Mr Wickremesinghe said, "during this meeting, we analyzed the future of Sri Lanka's economy, and the reasons behind the nation's dire economic situation."

"It was explained that going forward, difficult decisions would have to be made in order to avert a complete breakdown of the economy."

"An agreement was reached that the citizens of Sri Lanka should be involved in the country's economy and decision making process by implementing a transparent tax scheme instead of a hidden tax agenda."

Calling on all the citizens to support economic reform, he added, "we took over a nation with a pillaged economy in its wake."

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