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Rajapksas wiped out Rs.40mn from state in 2021

Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa dropped more than Rs. 40 million in 2021 on official overseas visits, Daily Mirror reported based on details provided by the Presidential Secretariat and the Prime Minister’s Office.

Details furnished by the Presidential Secretariat and the Prime Minister’s Office under the RTI revealed that the two Rajapaksa brothers had spent a total sum of Rs. 44,739,184.91 for five official visits abroad last year.

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In May, Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned from his position as prime minister amidst mass protests against the island’s worst economic crisis since its independence. Sri Lanka’s Supreme Court granted approval for a Fundamental Rights petition which will see an investigation into the role of the Rajapaksa clan in Sri Lanka’s economic collapse.

In July, Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigned as Sri Lanka’s President after he fled the island amidst mass protests demanding his resignation.

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