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PHU urges government to ban TNA over LTTE links

The  Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) party on Monday urged the Sri Lankan government to ban the main Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance, arguing such a move was needed due to the party's links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). 

“The TNA has direct links with the LTTE. Earlier, the TNA virtually functioned as the political wing of the LTTE. The former LTTEers voted for the TNA and ensured its victory in the last elections and the TNA also stands for the rights of the LTTEers,” PHU General Secretary Udaya Gammanpila said at a media briefing

Commenting on Mr Sirisena's praise of the TNA leader, R Sampanthan as the best opposition leader, Mr Gammanpila said, “Mr Sampanthan's stand is bias to the government. He has done this several times."

"Therefore, it is obvious that he should be the best opposition leader to the government."

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