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Over $100,000 defrauded by Sri Lankan embassy in US claims foreign minister

Sri Lanka’s foreign ministry claimed it had been defrauded by over $100,000 by the embassy in the United States.

Detailing trips made by diplomats at the embassy, Sri Lanka’s current foreign minister Mangala Samaraweera said records are inaccurate and several files were missing. One trip to the United Nations in 2006 saw then president Mahinda Rajapaksa accompanied by an 142 member delegation, he added.

Last year Mr Samaraweera that staff at the embassy had "adult films, $200 shots of cognac and $288 steaks” under the previous government.

Foreign Policy also reported that Sri Lanka paid an estimated US $6.5 million to a major fundraiser to the Obama campaign in order to lobby US officials and is yet to finish making payments.

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