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Over 1000 families remain displaced in Jaffna says minister

Sri Lanka’s Minister of Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Hindu Affairs told parliament that 1318 families remain displaced and live in resettlement camps across the Jaffna district on Wednesday.

Addressing parliament D.M. Swaminathan said there were 4737 internally displaced persons of 1318 families, according to The Island. He went on to add there were 32 welfare camps across the Jaffna district, including in Point Pedro, Karaveddi, Kopai, Thellipalai, Uduvil, Sandipalai and Nallur divisional secretariats.

The figure was disputed by the National Fisheries Solidarity Organisation, with local activists saying there are still 43 refugee camps in the Jaffna district, with thousands waiting to be resettled.

Last month protestors in Jaffna took part in a hunger strike outside the Valikamam North High Security Zone, demanding to be resettled in their native land.

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