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Opposition within UPFA to unity government agreement

Several MPs of the UPFA met in Colombo earlier today to discuss the agreement of the SLFP to form a national unity government with the UNP and its UNFGG coalition.

Former minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara said a large number of newly elected MPs, including former president Mahinda Rajapaksa objected to the agreement.

The Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU), a member of the UPFA coalition also opposed the agreement, as it was against the UPFA’s mandate.

General Secretary Udaya Gammanpila, who came third in the preferential votes list in Colombo, said people voted for the UPFA in protest at the UNFGG’s policies and forming a national unity government was not mentioned in the party manifesto.

Mr Gammanpila said former president Mahinda Rajapaksa completely rejected the national government concept in his election rallies.

“People voted for UPFA because they rejected UNP’s manifesto and forming a national government with them is against the mandate. We saw what happened to those who acted against the mandate at the general election. The same thing will happen to those who act against the mandate at the next election,” he said.

SLFP agrees to unity government with UNP (20 Aug 2015)

Sinhala hardline NFF wins 5 seats (20 Aug 2015)

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