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OISL does not preclude genocide finding reiterates OHCHR

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reiterated that its investigation into Sri Lanka (OISL) which found war crimes and crimes against humanity, but did not conclude a genocide had taken place, "does not preclude" such a finding being made during a subsequent criminal investigation.

Responding to The Hindu, a spokesperson for the High Commissioner said via email, "This [OISL] does not preclude such a finding [that genocide was committed] being made as a result of further criminal investigations, including by the hybrid court that we recommend.”

“The crime of genocide requires specific objective and subjective elements. On the basis of the information we were able to gather, we did not come to the conclusion that these elements were met,” the spokesperson was further quoted by the paper as saying.

Related article: Evidence of organisational planning lifted crimes to international level - UN Rights Chief (16 Sep 2015)

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