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Obama and Cameron attempting to revive the LTTE in Sri Lanka – Sri Lankan minister

A Sri Lankan government minister has accused the United States and the United Kingdom of attempting to revive the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka and said that the leaders were pandering to the wishes of “LTTE supporters” in their countries.

Power and Energy Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi said at an event on Monday that both President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron secured votes from supporters of the LTTE, according to the Colombo Gazette.

“There are some legislators who were elected in those countries through LTTE votes,” she claimed.

She also claimed that the leaders are working according to the agenda of the LTTE supporters against the Sri Lankan government, but that President Mahinda Rajapaksa will not allow the internationally-assisted LTTE to re-emerge in Sri Lanka.

Wanniarachchi said that the international community was aware that unlike Rajapaksa, opposition UNP leader Ranil Wickremasinghe would allow the LTTE to resume its war in Sri Lanka.

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