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NPC Minister accuses government of failing to provide drought relief

The Agriculture Minister of the Northern Provincial Council, Ponnuthurai Ayngaranesan, has accused the Sri Lankan government of not providing drought relief to the people of the province, reported Ceylon Today.

"The Northern Province is currently experiencing drought conditions due to the changes in weather patterns as well as due to the harmful actions of the people to the environment," he said, adding that there is a lack of drinking water and crops have been damaged.

"We are worried that the current situation will lead to famine in the Province, especially in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu," he said.

Ayngaranesan said the government had provided relief only to the islands, off the coast of the province, which are controlled by the pro-government paramilitary, the EPDP, but repeated requests to provide adequate drinking water facilities to the affected families have been ignored.

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