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NPC allocates Rs 40.3 million to support ex-LTTE cadres and families of detained

The Northern Provincial Council (NPC) allocated Rs 40.3 million to support former militant cadres and families of political prisoners, announced a minister on Friday.

The NPC minister B Deniswaran, speaking at his office in Jaffna, said,

"As the Tamil political prisoners are behind bars without any legal action their families are also struggling without breadwinners to support them. Therefore, taking into consideration the plight of the ex-cadres and the families of the Tamil political prisoners, the NPC has taken the decision to allocate Rs 40.3 million to uplift their living conditions.”

Mr Deniswaran said that the support would be distributed within the next 2 months, whilst noting that further funding would be required to establish better measures to find employment for the affected families, reports Ceylon Today.

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