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Norwegian foreign minister to visit Sri Lanka in January

Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende is set to visit Sri Lankan in the first week of January 2016, to hold high level talks with senior government officials.

Mr Brende, the Former Managing Director of the World Economic Forum and Former Minister of Trade and Industry in Norway, will be holding discussions regarding increasing trade and investment opportunities on the island. He will also address the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.

Trade between Sri Lanka and Norway during 2014 accounted for US$ 30 million.
The visit comes after Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe ruled out signing a trade deal with India this week, stating his government would never sign such an agreement.

Meanwhile, last month the British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka James Dauris said the UK would continue to promote the rule of law, good governance and democracy, calling them the “golden thread of conditions that drive prosperity all across the world”. The US Ambassador to Sri Lanka had also reiterated the importance of government reform on the island, stating they were “necessary to set Sri Lanka on the path towards long-term prosperity”.

See our earlier posts:

‘Rule of law, good governance and democracy’ drives prosperity – British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka (25 Nov 2015)

Sri Lankan reforms will grow bilateral trade says US Ambassador (17 Nov 2015)

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