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NGOs armed LTTE – Sri Lankan Prime Minister

Prime Minister DM Jayaratna told Sri Lanka’s parliament on Friday that some non-governmental organisations armed and assisted the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Jayaratna was commenting on the controversy over the Ministry of Defence letter, restricting NGO activities, and insisted that the government was not violating human rights by imposing the restrictions.

The prime minister claimed that the country’s intelligence services had uncovered evidence that NGOs were threatening national security through their actions.

“During the 30 year war some NGOs even armed the terrorists,” he said.

See below for related articles.

Government defends NGO restrictions (10 July 2014)

Government to close bank accounts of NGOs not registered with MoD (10 July 2014)

US ‘concerned’ about MoD circular restricting NGO activities (09 July 2014)

Military denies attempts to restrict NGO activities (08 July 2014)

Severe restrictions placed on NGO activities by Ministry of Defence (07 July 2014)

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