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NFF leader 'immensely appreciates' Russian military intervention in Syria

The leader of Sri Lanka's National Freedom Front stated his party is "pleased" to hear Russian military intervention in Syria is "continuing unabated," stating it was a "noble objective".

In a letter to the ambassador of Russia in Sri Lanka, Wimal Weerawansa said his party is "very pleased to hear about the military capabilities and the achievement of the Russian forces who conduct those humanitarian operations with noble objectives in mind".

"We are also very pleased to learn about the technological prowess of the Russian forces in using cruise missiles with perfect precision targeting terrorists as far as 1500 km away without causing any deliberate harm to innocent civilians anywhere in the region," he added. "The noble objective of this intervention is diametrically opposed to the objectives of military interventions carried out by the USA and its allies."
Stating that the Russian objective was to "pave the way for the Syrian people's lawful government to rule the country", Mr Weerawansa added, "We believe that this decisive and giant step would be a huge step forward to establish lasting peace in Syria in particular and in the world in general".

"We wish all the courage and strength to the Russian Government and the Russian Forces to march forward in achieving the intended noble objectives in the name of the innocent and peace- loving people all over the world."

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