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Muslim parliamentarians write to Rajapaksa about hate campaign of Buddhist groups

In an open letter to President Rajapaksa, Muslim parliamentarians expressed concern over the "continued hate campaign, intimidation, and threats to Muslims carried out by some Buddhist extremist elements of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Sinhala Ravaya and Ravana Balakaya organizations", and called on the President to assist in their resettlement.

"In the absence of any substantial support for their resettlement, the Muslim religious, political and civil society leadership has been soliciting support for their resettlement from benevolent donors of Muslim countries and individuals," said the parliamentarians, adding that there had been "some positive response".

The letter was signed by AHM Fowzie, Rauf Hakeem, ALM Athullah, Rishad Bathiudeen, Basheer Segu Dawood, Kabir Hasim, Faizer Mustapha, MS Thowfeek, Faisal Cassim, Hassan Ali, MSM Aslam, MHM Haleem, MLAM Hisbullah, Unais Farook and Mustapha Bawa Farook. See here for full letter.

The letter comes just days after The Island reported three Muslim councillors in the Western Province were to cross-over and join the ruling UPFA coalition.


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