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Mother of former accused in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case pleads to Wickremesinghe for son's repatriation

Mother of Santhan, who was released after being imprisoned over the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, has written a letter to President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Foreign Minister Ali Sabry to expedite his repatriation. 

Following Santhan's release last year, he expressed his desire to return to Sri Lanka. Santhan's mother, Thillaiyampalam Maheshwari, submitted the letter to the Governor of the Northern Province and the Jaffna District Secretariat, seeking their assistance in facilitating Santhan's return. This follows her recent submission of a letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Santhan is one of four Eelam Tamils who were convicted in the assassination case, along with three other Indian nationals. In November 2022, the High Court released all seven individuals involved in the assassination. Following their release, they were transferred to the Special Camp, a detention centre for foreigners, in Trichy, where they have been held since last November.

The release of these individuals marks a significant development in the long-standing case, and their return to Sri Lanka raises various legal and logistical considerations. Efforts are now underway to address these matters and facilitate Santhan's repatriation to the island.

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