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Maithri pledges to 'protect silent revolution'

Sri Lanka's President Maithripala Sirisena said he would not allow the "silent revolution" of the January 8 win over Mahinda Rajapaksa to be overturned.

Speaking at an event in Matara, the president said he would protect the change which came to the country.

"I did not enter politics randomly or abruptly – my experiences in politics spans close to 49 years. . . I will not let any party decision tarnish or harm the transformations that occurred in this country after January 8 – I will protect it,” he has said according to the DailyMirror.

Meanwhile former minister and Rajapaksa-confidante T.B. Eknanayake told the paper the former president would contest from the Kurunegala district.

Mahinda to contest elections under UPFA (03 Jul 2015)

Maithri denies Mahinda nominaation reports (02 Jul 2015)

Mahinda to be nominated by UPFA (30 Jun 2015)

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