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'LTTE began like Jaffna protests' - Mahinda

Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa urged police to act against the protestors in Jaffna, as the LTTE also "began in a similar fashion."

“Stones were pelted at police stations and the courts in Jaffna. The LTTE too began in a similar fashion. This is a dangerous situation. Therefore the police should act immediately. The law should take its course in a similar manner whether it is the North or the South of the country,” he said speaking after attending religious observances at the Samadhi Buddha statue in the Mahiyangana town, the Daily Mirror reported.

“Everyone should be equal before the law, whether it is in the north or the south. Law and order should be maintained. The prevailing situation must change soon. It is obvious that the ongoing incidents are well organised,” he said.

Protests calling for justice for the rape of a school girl turned violent yesterday, as distrust and scepticism over whether the Sri Lankan police and legal system would ensure justice was served increased following the escape of one of the suspects to Colombo. The suspect was later found and returned to Jaffna police station.

Demanding that justice be done, protesters on Wednesday encircled Jaffna court house. Riot police, military personnel and special task force officers were deployed and tear gas fired into the crowds and stones were thrown towards the court house. 127 people were arrested.

The violence has been condemned by the chief minister of the northern province, who said that outside elements were trying to exacerbate the longstanding distrust that existed between the Sri Lankan police and the Tamil people. See here for more..

Sri Lankan police pursue and assault protesters in Jaffna (21 May 2015)

Sri Lankan police deployed outside Jaffna court as protesters gather (21 May 2015)

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