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Locals demand road repairs in Jaffna

Protests were held on November 29th at the Moolai Arasadi Junction and in front of the Chankanai bus station demanding the reconstruction of roads in Valikamam West, Jaffna.

The protest was carried out demanding the reconstruction of the Jaffna - Manipay - Kaarainagar Road, Mavadi - Moolai Road, Vattukkottai - Ponnalai Roads.

The protestors said that those areas were completely blocked during the monsoon season. The public blamed government officials and politicians for not taking any actions to rectify the situation.

Despite successive Sri Lankan government regimes prioritising infrastructure development over addressing political solutions, many parts of the North-East remain poorly served by roads and transport.

At the end of the protest, letters addressed to the Northern Province Governor and Jaffna District Secretary were handed over. Copies were also sent to the Road Development Authority.

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