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Kumarappa, Pulenthiran commemorated in Denmark, Britain

Twelve senior LTTE members including Lt Col Kumarappa and Lt Col Pulenthiran were remembered in Denmark and Britain on the 35th anniversary of their deaths.

The twelve were captured by the Sri Lankan navy in 1987. Lt. Colonel Pulenthiran and Lt. Colonel Kumarappa swallowed cyanide and committed suicide after being arrested by the Indian Peace Keeping Force and were in the process of being taken to Colombo for interrogation. The incident occurred within two months of the IPKF arriving on the island.

The ten other cadres were Major Abdullah, Captains Karan, Ragu, Palani and Miresh, Lts Thavakumar, Anbalagan, Second Lt. Anandakumar, Lt.Reginald and Captain Nalan.

They all passed away on the 5th of October 1987, at the Sri Lankan Army’s Palaly base in Jaffna.

Alongside memorial events in Tamil Eelam and other parts of the world, remembrance ceremonies were also held in the UK and Denmark.

See photographs from Denmark below.

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