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Jayalalithaa slams Centre as ‘hopelessly inadequate’

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has criticised the Indian government for their “hopelessly inadequate response” to the arrest of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan Navy, calling on the government to secure their release.

In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Jayalalithaa stated,

"The repressive Sri Lankan Navy is establishing its authoritarian presence in the Palk Bay by chasing and arresting unarmed innocent fishermen from Tamil Nadu who offer no provocation".

"These oppressive acts of the Lankan Navy on the direction of the emboldened Sri Lankan regime have caused a great deal of suffering and coupled with the hopelessly inadequate response of the Government of India, have given rise to considerable resentment and angst not only amongst the fishermen community, but also amongst the entire population of Tamil Nadu.”

She went on to slam the government saying that it,

"has been a mute spectator all along and not at all willing to understand the sufferings of its own fishermen and their families and intervene effectively".

"May I once again urge your immediate personal intervention and exhort you to use the diplomatic channels of the Government of India in a concrete and decisive manner with the Sri Lankan authorities to secure the immediate release of 250 fishermen who are already languishing in Sri Lankan Jails in addition to the 25 fishermen who were apprehended Jan 2 and the 84 fishing boats in Sri Lankan custody at the earliest".

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