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Jaffna Diocese demands answers from Sri Lanka over missing Tamil priests

The president of the Justice and Peace Commission in Jaffna Diocese has demanded the Sri Lankan government determine the whereabouts of several catholic priests who surrendered to the military in the closing stages of the armed conflict, reports Herald Malaysia.

"The local church still seeks an answer in court and from the army about the whereabouts of the missing priests but no information has been forthcoming," said Father S V B  Mangalarajah.

He was speaking at a memorial to remember Father Mariampillai Sarathjeevan who died of a heart attack amidst the massacres of 2009. The ceremony, at Our Lady of Fatima's Church in Uruthirapuram, took place on May 18, alongside several other remembrance ceremonies across the Tamil North-East. Father Sarathjeevan was unable to access medical help at the time, with resources and medicines embargoed to the conflict zone by the Sri Lankan government.

"But what happened to our missing Sri Lankan priests Father Jim Brown and Father Joseph Francis who surrendered to the army? asked Father Mangalarajah. "Father Francis was among those leaving the war zone in May 2009 and passing through a military checkpoint where some people saw him but he is no more today."

At least four say four Catholic priests disappeared and another 10 were killed, reports Herald Malaysia.

“We are waiting for a sincere attempt from the new government to find the culprits, reveal the truth and show accountability so as to really promote reconciliation," said Father Mangalarajah.


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