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Iran ‘committed to resolving all outstanding issues’ – IAEA

The UN’s nuclear watchdog has praised ‘good’ talks with Iran during a visit to discuss its controversial nuclear programme.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have said the Iranians were determined to address all issues.

"But of course there is still a lot of work to be done and so we have planned another trip in the very near future," the IAEA’s deputy director, Hermann Nackaerts told reporters.

In a statement, the organisation detailed its plans for a follow up visit in late February.

Iran has described the talks as ‘positive and constructive’, as global tension over its nuclear programme and sanctions by the US and EU intensified.

Iran has been accused of attempting to build capacity to develop nuclear weapons; however Teheran is vehemently denying the claims, insisting its nuclear programme is for the generation of nuclear power.

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