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International magistrates and investigators the only way to get justice – NYT

The New York Times called for a special court with international magistrates and investigators to prosecute those responsible for mass atrocities committed in Sri Lanka, in an editorial published on Thursday.

Writing on the release of the OISL report, it said the was “a clear rejection of the proposal made on Monday by Sri Lanka’s foreign minister, Mangala Samaraweera, who told the Council that his government would set up a truth, justice and reconciliation commission, and draft a new constitution”.

It went on to note that “Tamils in the north remain under military occupation, and abuses are alleged to have continued under Mr. Sirisena’s government”.

“In its report, the United Nations council calls for a special court that would include international magistrates and investigators,” said the New York Times. “This is the only way to ensure that those who committed war crimes are held accountable and victims get justice. Mr. Sirisena’s government should cooperate in setting up the court without delay.”

See the full editorial here.


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