The outgoing Indian High Commissioner to Colombo, Ashok K. Kantha, has said that India would never act against the interests of Sri Lanka, the state-owned Sunday Observer reported.
“India will never do anything which will hurt Sri Lanka’s interests. The vote in Geneva was not a vote against Sri Lanka,” Kantha said.
“The fundamental interests of Sri Lanka and India are interlinked and there was no contradiction in these interests,
“We see progress and that gives us confidence. The big picture of our relationship is very positive. There are occasional differences. We may have different perspectives on some issues."
Kantha also denied that India would dictate any terms on a political solution to Colombo.
“We always recognise that these are domestic processes where people of Sri Lanka, through an internal dialogue arrive at a settlement which is acceptable to them. India has never tried to dictate terms to Sri Lanka. That is not our approach.”
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