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India must make amends and support investigation – Amnesty International

Amnesty International has called upon the newly elected Indian government to heed the voice of its citizens and back an international investigation into violations of international law in Sri Lanka.

Shashikumar Velath, programmes director at Amnesty International India,

“It has been five years, since the war ended, but Sri Lankan authorities have failed to bring those responsible for serious violations and abuses to justice"

Speaking on India’s role in Sri Lanka, Velath went on to add,

"India abdicated its human rights responsibilities when it decided to abstain from the UN resolution this year. Now it should make amends by lending its support to the international investigation and urging Sri Lanka to co-operate”.

"Prime Minister designate Narendra Modi needs to heed the voice of over 2.5 million people in India who have demanded that the Indian government stand up for justice and reconciliation in Sri Lanka."

See the full report on the Times of India here.

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