<p>Riyaz Naikoo, a senior commander of the Kashmiri separatist group Hizbul Mujahideen, was killed by Indian troops alongside three others in the Indian-administrated region of Kashmir.</p>
<p>The attack occurred as Indian troops received intelligence confirming that Riyaz Naikoo was hiding in south Kashmiri Pulwama district. Al Jazeera notes that during the attack two civilian homes were also blasted.</p>
<p>Naikoo's death is seen as a major victory for India’s forces and will likely spur further tension in the region. Following his death large protests broke out across Kashmir with have been met with brutality. Al Jazeera reports that several protesters have pellet injustice and three have bullet wounds and were hospitalised.</p>
<p>In total at least 30 were injured during clashes with security forces and there were also reports of protesters setting fire to two police vehicles in Pulwama.</p>
<p>Read more from <a href="https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/05/indian-troops-kill-top-kashmir-r…">Al Jazeera.</a></p>
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