<p>Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, released a statement yesterday, urging the United Nations to support a free and impartial plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir to support their right to self-determination.</p>
<p>In his statement, he stressed the importance of respecting this right to self-determination whilst also casting blame upon India for inaction by the UN Security Council. He further chastised India for human rights abuses and accused the nation of keeping the region under illegal occupation for over 72 years.</p>
<p>The Prime Minister stated;</p>
“Around 900,000 occupation forces have converted the region into the largest prison in the world. Post-Aug. 5, 2019, India has unleashed a new reign of terror in IOJ&K, locking the region down and abusing human rights of the innocent people especially women, children and the elderly with impunity,” </p>
<p>“Our strong and steadfast moral, political and diplomatic support for the Kashmiri people will continue till the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination,”
<p>The UN first passed the resolution recognising the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people on 5 Jan 1949. Every year residents on both sides of the Line of control reiterate the call for a right to self-determination.</p>
<p>Pakistan’s President Arif Alvi shared these sentiments stating;</p>
“Today’s commemoration is aimed at reminding the global community that they cannot shy away from their responsibility toward the Kashmiri people”.
<p>Read more at <a href="https://www.newsweekpakistan.com/imran-khan-urges-u-n-to-honor-kashmir-…">News Week Pakistan</a>. </p>
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