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High Commissioner’s report confirms Sri Lanka has not moved fast enough - USTPAC

A midterm report by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein has confirmed Sri Lanka has not moved fast enough on issues of justice and accountability said the US Tamil Political Action Council, as it outlined a range of measures that must be immediately addressed.

"High Commissioner Zeid's constructive oral report confirms USTPAC's observations that the government has not moved fast enough on confidence building measures or transitional justice," said USTPAC President Karunyan Arulanantham.

"Sri Lanka's security forces must return all land to its rightful owners, demilitarize from the Tamil-dominated North and East and undergo serious reform if Sri Lanka is to achieve reconciliation. USTPAC also reiterates High Commissioner Zeid's conclusion that the government must execute a comprehensive plan for transitional justice and launch a concerted public information campaign to explain its efforts to all communities."

"Despite Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Samaraweera's statements in Geneva, USTPAC has concerns about the government's determination to fully implement Resolution 30/1,” he added.

“Failure to repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act, rejections of international judges, denial without a probe that cluster bombs were used against civilians, and the refusal by military to obey a court order to release the names of those who surrendered at the end of the war  are just a few causes for concern. The government must immediately criminalize war crimes and crimes against humanity. This powerful action would reduce fears that the government aims to sideline justice."

"The UNHRC sent a clear message that it expects to see more tangible and transparent action from the government of Sri Lanka in the run-up to March 2017," Dr Arulanantham concluded.

"Especially on the 10th anniversary of the Council, Sri Lanka serves as a test of the UNHRC's own ability to maintain attention and translate its pronouncements into real and transformational change. This is a tremendous opportunity to prove the Council's global leadership on human rights and drive sustainable peace in Sri Lanka."

See the full press release here.

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