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Government's main aim is reconciliation and economic growth says president

Sri Lanka's president, Maithripala Sirisena said on Monday "the main aim of the National Government is to promote reconciliation and economic growth".

A national government was formed with the United National Party (UNP) and the Sri Lankan Freedom Party (SLFP) following the general election earlier this month, when the UNP, which won the greatest number of seats, failed to win a simple majority.

Addressing the 8th parliament of Sri Lanka, Mr Sirisena said, "my government will continue to crackdown on corruption and punish those who exploit national resources no matter who they are and there will be no political interference in the appointment of officials."

The president further said that the responsibilities and duration of the post of executive presidency would be determined by parliament.

See more here.

Related article: Sri Lanka to reapply for $4 billion IMF bailout amid deficit anxiety (30 Aug 2015)

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