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Further 6 Tamil detainees hospitalised, 24 prisoners released on bail

Several Tamil political prisoners were taken to hospital as they entered their 6th day on Hunger strike.

A total of 6 Tamil political detainees were hospitalised from Anuradhapura and Welikada prisons.

The last two days have seen at least 23 Tamil political prisoners hospitalised following hunger strikes to demand their release.

Following a presentation fo their sureties, 24 Tamil detainees were released from Welikada prison on Friday. The Tamil detainees were released on two surety bails of 1 million rupees.

A total of 271 Tamil political prisoners were officially registered as being detained under the arbitrary Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) at the start of this week.

The predominantly Tamil North-East saw mass strike action in support of the demands of the Tamil political prisoners today.

Towns across North-East shut down in support of Tamil political detainees (13 Nov 2015)

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