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French Tamils commemorate Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day

On Saturday, May 18, marking Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day, Tamils across France organised commemorative events.

In Clichy, France Captain Manalan's sister, who died in Manalaru in 1992, offered floral tributes, while the mother of hero Vinod, who died in Anaiyarauch Samar in 1991 also laid flowers. Along with Clichy's Deputy Mayor, former Mayor and City Council members also extended their support and solidarity. Mullivaikkal kanji was served at the event.

Meanwhile, another event took place simultaneously in Paris. The rally started at Place de la Republique and ended at Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad. The public flame was lit in front of the Mullivaikal monument by a family member who lost 13 relations in the soil of Mullivaikal. 


Tamils also gathered in Drancy, France to mark Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day. Mrs. Aude Lagarde, Mayor of Drancy Mr. Jean-Christophe Lagarde, former Mayor of Drancy Mr. Hamid Chabani, Sports Officer and Departmental Councillor Mr. Michel Lastapis, Head of Housing, attended the memorial service.

Ivry-sur-Seine, France


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