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Free landing offered at Mahinda’s airport

Sri Lanka’s President Mahinda Rajapaksa has offered free landing and parking for all airlines during the first year of operations at the new international airport being constructed in his hometown of Hambantota.

In addition, authorities have granted 50% off handling fees as they attempt to entice airlines to the new airport, currently projected to cost US$209 million.

Originally scheduled to have been completed in June 2013, the construction has been rushed forward to November 18th 2012, reportedly to celebrate President Rajapaksa’s birthday and anniversary of his 3rd year in office.

The airport has been slammed as one of the President’s “White Elephants”, along with several other projects in his home district, including the Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa International Port, the Mahinda Rajapaksa National Tele Cinema Park and the Mahinda Rajapaksa International Cricket Stadium.

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