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France would recognise provisional Syrian government

The French president Francoise Hollande has urged the Syrian opposition to form a provisional government and said France would officially recognise it once it was formed.

“France asks the Syrian opposition to form a provisional government — inclusive and representative — that can become the legitimate representative of the new Syria,” Mr. Hollande was quoted as saying during a speech to French diplomats.

“France will recognise the provisional government of Syria once it is formed.”

However the US said that the opposition first needed to coordinate with Syrian citizens and set a democratic path.

"So that's the first order of business -- for them to all agree on what a transition ought to look like. Obviously, it's a matter for them to decide if and when they may be prepared to start naming folks," said US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

Hollande also joined the US and Britain in warning the Syrian regime against using or threatening the use of chemical weapons.

"We with our allies remain very watchful to prevent the use of chemical weapons by the regime, which would be for the international community a legitimate cause for direct intervention," Hollande said.

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