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France to have Syrian opposition ambassador

Continuing its pro-active endorsement of the newly formed Syrian opposition coalition, France is set to accept an ambassador from the Syrian opposition's coalition as an envoy to France.

After meeting the coalition's leader Moaz al-Khatib, the French president Francois Hollande announced on Saturday that Mounzir Makhous would be appointed as the envoy, as a further step to "assure its [Syrian opposition coalition] legitimacy and credibility."

The new envoy would not be placed at the Syrian embassy in Paris however, as the President Hollande said the building did not belong to France.

Pledging to push the EU to re-evaluate the arms embargo on Syria, President Hollande added,

“I can’t hide the importance of this question. The [opposition] Syrians need military means but the international community also has to exercise control,”

“The protection of liberated zones can only be done in the framework of the international community. Once an alternative government has been formed, it can itself legitimately call for protection and support.”

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