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Former South Africa judge Albie Sachs discusses need for justice in Jaffna

Anti-apartheid activist and former South African judge, Albie Sachs, attended a special discussion on truth, reconciliation and justice in Jaffna on Tuesday.

Meeting with civil society activists, Mr Sachs said that the end of the war had not given rise to humanity, self-esteem or dignity and that the crucial need for freedom in the war-affected areas had not been fulfilled.

Sharing experiences from his own country, Mr Sachs said that for reconciliation to come about in South Africa, the perpetrators themselves came forward and admitted their crimes, but no such thing had happened in Sri Lanka.

Tamil civil society activists maintained that despite a change in regime, victims were no closer to justice.

“Several committees have been formed for the purposes of finding truths and bringing about reconciliation,” said Tamil Civil Society Forum's spokesperson Father Elil Rajendram. “Many talk about attaining justice for the affected people through these committees.”

Father Elil further remarked: “The government must take responsibility for the abductions, disappearances and murders that have taken place here. After the Presidential election there was a change in person but the institutions remained the same.”

“For example the former military chief who is said to be a key war criminal has been promoted to the role of Field Marshal by this government. Is this humanity? If so then how can those affected find justice?”

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