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Forces of racism still exist in Sri Lanka says GTF president

The forces of racism, extremism and selfishness are still at work in Sri Lanka, said the president of the Global Tamil Forum (GTF), Father SJ Emmanuael.

In a statement made for the commemoration of mass atrocities against Tamils that took place at the end of the armed ethnic conflict in May 2009, Mr Emmanuael called on leaders to collaborate in:

a) Redressing as early as possible the grievances of those still mourning and still affected by the post-war actions of the government and its forces.

b) Courageously making fundamental changes to our vision and structure of the state that was on during the last six decades of conflict and war.

 c) Preventing future rebellion by creating concrete political, economic and social conditions equally for all peoples in Sri Lanka.

The GTF president added, that for reconciliatory efforts “to be fruitful” they must:

1.      Be realistic, not forgetting the under-side or other side of realities.
Based on the whole truth of what has happened to both sides in the past.

Seeking justice, leaving no skeletons in our own cupboards.

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