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Fonseka rejects UN findings of deliberate policy of sexual violence

Sri Lanka's former army commander at the end of the armed conflict, General Sarath Fonseka, rejected the conclusions of the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' Investigation into Sri Lanka (OISL) that “incidents of sexual violence were not isolated acts but part of a deliberate policy.”

In an interview to The Hindu, Mr Fonseka said  “these things never happen in an organised manner with the knowledge of superiors.”

“It is not part of our thinking or tactics to do such things," he added.

Stating that he was receiving foreign advice in legal matters, Mr Fonseka said he was ready to face a domestic inquiry.

"If there are allegations against military operations, I am ready to face anybody and present the right picture. There is no problem. My conscience is clear," he told the paper.

“If we are sincere, let us follow the proper legal procedures. We do not have to cover up [anything] or hush up," he added.

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