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Families of disappeared protest in Kilinochchi

All photographs: Tamilwin

Families of the disappeared launched a hunger strike in Kilinochchi on Friday, demanding that the new Sri Lankan government returns their missing loved ones to them.

The hunger strike took place as mothers in Jaffna launched a similar hunger strike by Nallur temple.

Speaking to the press, a protestor said,

"We will continue to hold protests such as this until our relatives are back with us. As long as we are alive we will protest. We elected this new government to try and get our relatives back to us. We know that our relatives have been held in secret detention centres and demand that they are returned."

Speaking to Tamil Guardian, Northern Provincial Councillor Ananthi Sasitharan said a van of men dressed in civilian clothing and police officers arrived at the scene, and attempted to stop the mothers from protesting. However none of protesters were injured or arrested.

Local religious leaders joined the protesters throughout the day.

TNA MP S Sritharan joins protesters

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