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Extended national government MoU to include protection of 'war heroes'

The constituents of the new national government says it will extend the parameters of its Memorandum of Uderstanding to include a common, formal response to the report of the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL).

Speaking to the Sunday Times, UNP Chairman Malik Samarawickrema said the response to the OISL will be one of the highlights of the extended MoU between the SLFP and the UNP.

“The MOU will include an understanding on taking joint positions regarding important issues such as the ethnic issue and on international issues such as the call for an investigation on alleged war crimes,” he said.

SLFP Acting General Secretary Duminda Dissanayake said the MoU would also ensure that the rights of "war heroes who were responsible for liberating the country" are protected.

“Unity among the parties whenever there is an international issue and protecting the unitary status too will also be included in the MOU,” he said.

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