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EU discusses implementation of resolution with Sri Lanka

The European Union discussed the implementation of the UN Human Rights Council resolution with Sri Lanka this week at the 20th meeting of the EU - Sri Lanka Joint Commission, which took place on July 19th in Brussels.

"The parties noted the progress made and indicated that further measures would be pursued and progress would continue for the implementation of the resolution," the EU said in a statement following the meeting.

"Progress with regard to the release of land and the normalisation of the life in the North and East of the country, the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and the release or prosecution of detainees held under the PTA, and the establishment of the transitional mechanisms for truth, reconciliation, justice and reparations were also discussed."

Welcoming Sri Lanka's application for EU trade concessions (GSP+) "as a sign of Sri Lanka's renewed commitment to meeting its wider international obligations", the EU said it "drew attention to the importance of continued positive progress in fulfilling Sri Lanka's stated commitments which need to proceed in parallel".

The EU also announced that it would extend its 2014-2020 development programme to include grants for reconciliation and good governance.

See here for full statement. 

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