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Drone infiltration into Israeli airspace

On Saturday a drone was spotted over Israeli territory of Yatir forest, with it's origin and full purpose in crossing into Israeli airspace uncertain. According to Israeli military, the drone was not carrying explosives and within twenty minutes of crossing into Israeli territory, it was shot down by Israeli air force.

The Israeli military has ruled out Hamas as the origin and has instead blamed Hezbollah in Lebanon with the backing of Iran as the potential culprit. Hezbollah has in the past used unmanned aerial drones in 2004 and 2006 over Israel during its confrontation.

Many have speculated that drone was attempting to collect intelligence of the nuclear reactor in Dimon, based on where the drone was intercepted.

On Sunday, Israel air force in retaliation flew low over southern part of Lebanon, which is a pro-Hezbollah village as a demonstration of its military capability.

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