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Colombo High Court summons M K Shivajilingham over Thileepan commemorations

Colombo High Court have issued a court order summoning former Northern Provincial Councillor M K Shivajilingham for commemorating Lt Col Thileepan. 

Last week, Valvettithurai police went to Shivajilingham's home to serve him the court order which calls Shivajilingham to be at Colombo High Court on January 11. 

On September 15, 2020, Shivajilingham was arrested by Sri Lankan police as he attempted to pay tribute to Lt Col Thileepan in Nallur, Jaffna.

Sri Lanka's security forces routinely block efforts made by Tamils in the North-East to honour the dead by filing bans on commemorative events and intensifying their presence across the homeland to obstruct such events. 



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