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Church group forcibly enters Uthayan newspaper office

Members of a Jaffna church congregation forcibly entered the Uthayan newspaper office in Jaffna, and disrupted operations and caused chaos. The incident followed a story reported by Uthayan that implicated a pastor and his congregation in an assault. 

According to the story published in Uthayan, a pastor and his congregation entered the house of an elderly woman in Achchuveli, and assaulted her and two others in the house. The victims then made a complaint at the closest police station, who arrested three persons including the pastor and his son. 

In response to the report, a group including women and children from the same congregation forcibly entered the Uthayan newspaper office in Jaffna, disrupted operations and filmed and photographed the employees of Uthayan on their mobile phone. 

The employees from the Uthayan newspaper have since lodged a complaint at the respective police station regarding the incident. Since then the police have arrested six and produced them at the Jaffna Magistrate Court on April 10th.

The magistrate judge ordered the police to place the suspects under remand until 19th April.

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